Als fabrikant van onze producten sinds 1963 worden alle stappen van het productieproces 100% in Frankrijk, in Ernée, Mayenne, in onze fabriek, uitgevoerd. Als fabrikant maken wij gebruik van onze lokale expertise en beheerde knowhow om hoogwaardige producten te waarborgen. Onze medewerkers, echte...

De overgang naar teleconsultatie heeft enig succes gehad, vooral sinds de inperkingsmaatregelen zijn getroffen. Het gebruik, dat de neiging heeft wijdverbreid te worden, kan na deconfusie blijven bestaan en veel artsen beginnen zichzelf toe te rusten om aan de eisen van hun patiënten te...

Dear clients, The PROMOTAL team is pleased to invite you on its Stand H4.B10 -Hall 4 at the Arab Health trade show - from January 27 to 30, 2020 in Dubai!
Here is an excellent opportunity to present our new products to you!
Arab Health 2020 Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Center 27...

The entire team will be delighted to welcome you to Paris Healthcare Week from May 21st to 23rd.

Dear customers, The PROMOTAL team is pleased to invite you to its Stand H2E30 -Hall 2 at Arab Health - January 28th to 31st, 2019 in Dubai! Here is an excellent opportunity to introduce our new Promotal and Midmark products!

The ELOI Group, active on the medical equipment market since more than 50 years, is inaugurating its fourth Concept Store dedicated to practitioners on 13th and 14th September in Gennevilliers (near Paris). This unique place is arranged in several spaces to answer medical professional’s issues....

Schoon en luchtig, de iQuest Medical Examination Couch is de nieuwste in Promotal !

The ELOI Group, active on the medical equipment market since more than 50 years, is inaugurating its third Concept Store dedicated to practitioners on 24th and 25th May in Toulouse. This unique place is arranged in several spaces to answer medical professional’s issues. A showroom part allows...